Welcome to Blog Blast. I’m James, you’ll see my head somewhere around about… 👉👇🤷
Wait, is that a rocket going through one ear and out the other? Who commissioned this?

My aim is to make it easy for anyone to start and build a profitable blog business.
Blogging is not dead, it’s very much alive and it’s accessible to anyone.
For less than $20 you can start a business online.
Why didn’t somebody tell me that 10 years ago? I had to find this out myself and then figure out what to do next with a bombardment of people telling me what to do.
I realise I’m another one of these people now, but I hope it comes across as a little less sleazy and a little more helpful.
Ideally a LOT more helpful.
What I try and do is walk you through all the confusing stuff and leave you to be creative and have fun with your blog business.
It’s hard to know where to start and what is most important to concentrate on when you’re just getting going.
I’m the helping hand that has been there, done it, failed, cried, thrown the mouse across the room, calmed down, tried something else, failed again… perhaps because I didn’t have a working mouse, picked myself up, dusted myself off, took a deep breath in, then finally found what worked.
All with a little help from other people, but not enough. I’ve been through several other blogging courses, but never found them to be simple, thorough and effective.
I aim to change that.
I hope to be the one to help you reach where I am without all the wasted time.